lfa events
lfa events
Praise & Worship |
Friday, March 14th | 7:00 pm
This year we are the hosting location for the Mid Valley Women of Christ Praise & Worship Night. Women from across the valley will join together for a night of worship. Ladies we look forward to seeing you there.
Young Adults|
Begins Sunday, March 16th | 6:00 pm
Sunday, March 16th we are beginning a new group for Young Adults. They will be meeting every other Sunday at 6:00 pm at LFA. This group is for adults 18 to early 30’s.
Praise & Worship|
Saturday, March 29th | 8:30 am
March 29th we are hosting our annual Spring Exterior Work Day at LFA. We will move this work day to April 5th if the weather doesn't cooperate.
Sunday, April 20th | 10:45 am
Join us for service Easter Sunday.
monthly events
| Primetime
Fourth Thursday of the month | 11:30 am
LFA’s Senior Ministry meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at Appleree Restaurant located at 1890 S. Main here in Lebanon.
| Men’s No Host Breakfast
Third Saturday of the Month | 8:00 am
Come and enjoy a time of food and fellowship at Appletree Restaurant located at 1890 S. Main Street here in Lebanon.